
No One Stands Alone

No man is an island. No man stands alone. – Dennis Brown

 The subject of my last three blogs, which can be found on my website, was whether or not to seek a second opinion after being diagnosed with cerebellitis.

Fear played a major role, but it was not the sole motivator influencing my decision.

A few friends, colleagues, and even strangers favored the idea and urged me to comply.

Initially, I was stubbornly opposed; Fear reinforced my position with denial and rationalization.

It was not until the two people whose opinions I trusted the most expressed their perspectives on the matter: my wife, Laura, and Dr. Koch, a lifelong friend of my family.

They each raised the subject in different ways: Laura, tactfully; and, Dr. Koch, matter-of-factly.


Although she still favored a second opinion, she was willing to leave the decision up to me. – Excerpt from “I’m Afraid”

“It’s no reflection on your neurologist,” Dr. Koch said, “but you’re nowhere near a full recovery. So what have you got to lose by getting a second opinion? If the diagnosis is wrong, there might be a new treatment for what you do have. If the diagnosis is confirmed, then you’ll know for sure what you’re facing, and there is some peace of mind in that. If you don’t do this, you’ll be second-guessing yourself the rest of your life.” – Excerpt from “I’m Afraid”


It was Laura and Dr. Koch who finally convinced me to seek a second opinion in spite of my fears.

No one, in my opinion, is an island; no one can survive in this world without the help, support, and love of other human beings.

I offer these thoughts for your consideration.

I encourage you to share your thoughts and opinions regarding my blogs by posting them at the bottom of the blog page marked: Leave a Reply.

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Your review will be an invaluable asset for me and for fellow readers.

Reviews are the lifeblood of authors and their works.

Simply click on the Contact button on the Home page of my website to write your review, or post them on Facebook or Goodreads if you prefer.

The saga continues in my next blog.

Do Not Be Afraid!!!