Learning to trust is one of life’s most difficult tasks. – Isaac Watts
I struggle with two major mental and physical illnesses that, at times, play havoc with my understanding of trust; they seek to destroy it and make it impossible for me to regain and embrace it.
It is my hope that the rest of the world will not join me in this particular struggle; sadly, I realize that this aspiration does not rest on solid ground.
Manic depression taught me never, never, to say, “It can’t happen to me.”
Cerebellitis literally and figuratively brought me to my knees.
Both illnesses dramatically demonstrated to me that total control of my mind, my body, and my life did not rest in my hands alone.
I needed the help of Dr. Kafrissen and his staff to treat and control my bipolar disorder; I needed the help of the physical therapists who taught me how to crawl, stand, and walk; and, I needed the help of so many others who taught me how to reach out, many times reluctantly, and take their outstretched hands; and, especially, I needed my wife.
Giving up control and accepting help were not easy. And the reason that they were not easy was because, in addition to humility, they required trust. –Excerpt from “I’m Afraid”
Regardless of my own situation, I believe that in today’s world there are those whose bizarre mission is the elimination of the priceless value of trust required to live in peace with one another with love, respect, and acceptance.
Unfortunately, those desiring to sabotage our faith in one another by creating an atmosphere of divisiveness and fear often are in positions of authority and respect; normally their motives would not be suspect or challenged.
They can be thwarted, however, by placing our trust in our loved ones and those who have demonstrated dependability time and time again.
The more we trust, the more trust grows and flourishes.
I offer these thoughts for your consideration.
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The saga continues in my next blog.
Do Not Be Afraid!!!